Outliner & Hierarchical Tree Note
An Organizer for all your thoughts, ideas & information using cross
referenced "Friend" links to create personal data networks of
arbitrary complexity. Multiple parents feature allows a child note to
be linked to more than one parent although defined only once... very
useful when something doesn't fit into a single category. Unique
ability to create multiple tree roots within a single network that
simplifies the creation of family tree-like structures.
Find - search for key words across a network
Bookmarks - give easy access to any note
Import / Export - to XML for backups and sharing
Bi-directional linkages - better than Wiki hyper-links
Multiple Networks - held in separate SQLite databases
Text Formatting - simple HTML for italic, font color, etc
Text or HTML Edit Modes
Images - may be embedded in notes
Web Links - clickable URLs in notes
Large Notes - may be of any size
Multiple Parents - advanced networking feature
Multiple Roots within each tree hierarchy
Friend Links - cross-references between notes
Expand/Collapse Outliner: hide unnecessary detail
Get NoteLynX Free on Android Market
Love this app! I really hope you continue to develop it. A few suggestions, if I may, in order of how important I think they are:
1) Online sync / backup. I store a lot of important information in notelynx, so data loss would be catastrophic. I do export and upload to dropbox regularly, but it would be nice not to have to worry about it.
2) Automatically parse URLs. Typing in <, >, and " on a touch screen can be inconvenient. Would be nice if notelynx detected URLs starting with http:// and automatically made them clickable.
3) The ability to set global background and font settings. This way, the user could increase / decrease font size, or configure the app to be in "night mode" (black background with white text) for all notes with one setting.
4) An "editor toolbar" with simple options for bold, italic, underline, etc. Similar to #2 -- it's just a bit of a hassle to find that "<" key on a touch keyboard. This isn't as important as the first three, but it would be a nice feature.
I really appreciate you developing this app. Hopefully my feedback is useful to you!
Thanks for your feedback, James!
I welcome any suggestions users have as to how NoteLynX may be improved.
I am in fact currently working on an edit tool-bar which will address the issues you mention in points 2 & 4. It will automatically insert the html tags for bold, italic, underline and center, as well as font size, fgcolor and bgcolor.
Re: point 2. There will be an option to automatically insert web urls on the tool-bar. I agree, all those < & > brackets are awkward. The tool-bar will also have options to automatically insert images from the photo gallery, as well as the current date and time.
Cloud synchronization and global font settings... no guarantees! but I would not rule it out for a future release.
Finally, there will be an upgrade to the find option, which will soon support regular expressions, wild card characters and have options for case sensitivity, whole words and whether to limit search to title or text.
So lots to look forward to in the next update!
Glad to know you plan on continuing development!
One more quick suggestion: If changes have been made to a document and the user clicks "back", a quick confirmation pop-up informing them that they're about to lose their changes would be nice. I accidentally bumped the back button once or twice and lost some notes I was typing -- not a disaster, but a bit annoying ;)
RE: Sync -- I installed an app called "dropspace", which you can set to automatically upload files to your dropbox at regular intervals (hourly, every 24 hours, etc). That takes care of half of automatic backup, but I still have to manually export each network every time it's changed. Would it be possible to make the folder where notelynx stores its note data publicly accessible so it can be automatically synced with a third party app?
RE: Global font settings -- since the notes seem to be HTML documents, wouldn't it be possible to have all notes import a global .css document, which the user could modify? That is, unless the app is using its own HTML parser (I've never done app development so I'm not sure -- I'm a web-coder). Would there be an easy way to implement just a night-mode? They say staring at a screen within 30 minutes of going to bed interferes with your quality of sleep ;)
Other changes sound great -- looking forward to it!
Oops! Sorry you lost your data like that :-/ I'll add a confirm dialog as you suggest.
Re:Sync- Only rooted devices have access to the folders where the SQLite database files are kept, so syncing them directly in this way would not be practical. However, I could add an 'Auto Export' setting to NoteLynX so the user doesn't have to manually export with each edit change. I had not heard of dropspace... thanks for letting me know about it!
Re:global font settings- I haven't tried it, but a .css file should work. And a night-mode setting is also a good idea. I'll see what I can do.
Pleased to say all these enhancements are now complete and have been released on the Android Market as NoteLynX Pro.
I am also a big fan of this app! After your discussion with James, I'm wondering if I may make a few suggestions as well?
1) Drag & Drop Moves. I often want to re-order nodes, but the whole copy link -> paste child -> unlink seems to be a lot of work. Even a simple addition of "cut" would make it a 2-click process and a huge time saver (e.g. cut -> paste link)
2) Copy. I often work on Ad creatives which mean subtle changes of wording. It would be very useful if I could duplicate a node several times for editing without the linking. Currently, I have to copy the contents of one node, create several new nodes, and then paste everything.
If these are available in the pro app, or perhaps through some kind of gestures, please let me know.
I really like your app and will definitely buy the pro version if it gets a little easier to use.
Hi Nick
Thanks for your feedback. To answer your question: No, these features are not yet available in the Pro version. However, the core functionality of NoteLynX is now mostly complete so, improvements such as yours, will certainly be likely candidates in future releases.
Nice app, considering going pro. I keep track of many of my ideas and brain-waves with notelynx, its great that you can have multiple parents, as many of my ideas have indeed multiple applications.
However, more often than not i have not the time to type my ideas on my little phone, maybe i am outside and it is raining or do not really have the time to fiddle with my phone.
Do you have any intentions of adding the ability to store audio notes? Right now i record them with audiorecorder and transcribe them later. It would be nice to have interfaces to those tools, and options to integrate audio files to the tree.
I can see how useful it would be to make voice notes and will put it on my list of feature requests. However, that list is now quite long! so it could be quite some time coming. In the meantime, could you not just dictate your notes directly into NoteLynX using speech-to-text?
I am coming from a Palm to Android, and I had used ShadowPlan on the Palm. I would like to import all the data I had in ShadowPlan to an Android outliner. Is there some way of importing a csv file?
This is not currently possible. NoteLynX imports via XML file format, not CSV. Also, because NoteLynX supports a multiple parent hierarchy and cross reference links between notes, there will be no precise match with a standard outliner.
I just downloaded the free version. I can't find a menu bar. How do I add a child note?
To add a child note: first create a new project using the "New" option from the android menu (initial Project List screen). View the project by tapping it. Long press the first note in the Tree View. Select "New Child" from the context menu and give it a name. This creates a sub-note in a new project.
Please forgive my ignorance, but after the notes are exported as .xml how do I make use of them on my PC?
Anonymous, XML export files are used only as a means to make backups of your notes and/or to share them with others who have NoteLynX on Android. There is currently no interoperability between NoteLynX and other 3rd party software, either on Android or the PC (although a way to achieve this is being looked into).
In the meantime, you may be interested in this 3rd party, Windows PC, BlueStacks Android app player: http://bluestacks.com. It is still new, but it should be possible to run NoteLynX directly on a PC, full screen with keyboard.
Is there a windows version that can edit the notelynx files? I do a lot of editing on the my windows that I'd love to have access on my android devices.
I am afraid not but please read my reply to Anonymous (the post above) which concerns the same topic. I hope you find that helpful.
The concept is like PersonalBrain
When you will come up with grafical visualization and editing?
Anonymous, you are right, the data structure is similar. I would love to create a graphical representation for NoteLynX but it will not be easy! ...I shall put it on my Todo list :-)
Hello! I've just started looking at NoteLynX. Thanks it looks great! So my first suggestion: Have you looked at Leo? it's easy to install on a PC as long as you install Python. Your app is like a good branch of Leo. 2 Cats? Coincidence? http://tinyurl.com/887mup8
There are 2 things I think would be good simple GUI enhancements:
1) Move Up/Down beyond the parent Note
2) Promote/Demote Note, changes it's child position in the tree. (move left/right)
thanks again! todd.
Thanks for your suggestions, tommy. I hadn't heard of Leo but I'll take a peek given that it's a fellow feline outline ;-)
When you tap on a child's arrow icon, you create a view in which the child is the parent. Is this permanent? Is there still a real parent or is the parent and child really swapped?
No, it's not permanent. Nothing has really changed other than the view. You can then either use the bookmarks to return to the "Home" note or just tap on the current tree root's Parent note (the red arrow icon) to move up a level. NoteLynX needs this mechanism because it supports multiple inheritance. It's the way you explore alternate parentage.
Hi Dean, it's me again.
Thanks for taking my comments into consideration! I went pro as soon as you released it.
I'm really happy with the app as it stands now. The only thing is, I recently bought a macbook air, and I'm using that in a lot of places where I used to use my tablet. Because of this, I'm having to resort back to evernote for some tasks simply because I can make notes on the web-app on my laptop and have them sync to my tablet.
I would love to have a way to view and edit my notes on PC and mac, or via a web-interface, and have them sync back to my tablet, smartphone, etc. I realize this might require a complete retooling of the way the app stores data, but it would really bring notelynx to the next level.
I know you're just one guy and can't implement every feature, but if you could implement multi-device syncing, that would be huge.
James, Hi. Thanks to all your (and other's) suggestions, NoteLynX has been helped to grow. As for cloud sync... that's already on my list of feature requests. Maybe bluestacks android app player (http://bluestacks.com/) will make it possible to run NoteLynX closs platform?
Hi. downloaded this app yesterday - looks great. Used various Mindmap apps but I think an app like this is better and this seems the best!
Just a couple of suggestions:
1) Sideways move - we have UP and DOWN but could there be an option in order to promote or demote an item?
2) The arrow flag markers - could we use ICONS? I want to use this as presentation notes and a variety of flag/icon markers would be great!
Good product and keep up the great work!
Phil, thanks for your positive feedback! Your suggestions are good and I shall certainly be adding them to my list of feature requests.
Hi, I want to drop my two cents too. I'm creating a very big hierarchy (a kind of glossary). As I work, some things, like navigation, is increasingly harder. I would appreciate the following features in upcoming versions:
1) Go to top/Go to bottom arrows.
2) Move to top/Move to bottom arrows.
3) Promote (move to right)/Demote (move to left) arrows.
4) New Sibling (creating a new note below the selected one, at the same level. This would avoid to create a note at bottom, then move up n times!)
5) Paste Sibling (same as above).
6) Sort! (In my case, with the glossary, I need to sort manually. Just figure out the increasing time it takes!)
7) Autoexport.
8) Drag and drop would be a plus (but I know it's not so easy to implement as the rest).
You can use the following software to study:
- TreePad (sort, create sibling, promote/demote)
- Natara Bonsai
- MindJet MindManager
Your's is the best software for Android! Do you have plans for Iphone, or other smartphones?
JPMarichal, thanks very much for your praise for NoteLynX :-) and also for your excellent suggestions, some of which others have also asked for. (Actually, AutoExport already exists in the Pro version.) Hopefully, many of the improvements you mention will become reality in the not too distant future. Good luck on your hierarchy!
Unfortunately, Android Market says the pro version is unavailable for my phone. I can't understand why the free version is marked as available and the pro version unavailable. I think that is an error from the market. Is there any way to get the install file outside the market?
JPMarichal, please contact me directly by email (see Google Play, contact developer link) so I can help with this issue.
Thanks for your relief.
There are some additional suggestions. This just reclaim my attention:
What if you need to create a big hierarchy and then stablish it as a template for future hierarchies?
Currently you have the copy/paste link command. But if you use it for this purpose, every copy is modified simultaneously and that is a pain in the neck.
What is needed is a copy/paste template. There are several ways to implement this, but essentially this is like a "copy link" and an "unlink" (yes, the old unlink) combination.
Copy/paste template is a good time saver, easy to implement and actually so important that it may be set only in the pro edition and it may be a notable difference among editions.
What do you think about this?
JPMarichal, that's a good idea... but would only be possible for standard outlines because if there were multiple friend or parent links back into the network there would be no way to limit the cloning process. There is another way however to achieve the same thing.. that is if there were the option to import and merge one project into another. You could then export a project template for re-use, either stand alone or to be merged into another project.
Yes, that is a pretty good alternative. Both ways seems apropiate to me. In the first case you set the restrictions (hey dude, if you want a template, you can't use friends and parents, nephews and grandsons, it's a mess). In the second case maybe you would use a repository for templates (a separate folder?).
I reproduce here the suggestions I sent by email. Sorry, I'm unable to reach your blog from my work.
Astro (Dean):
Maybe you would like to prioritize and schedule in phases some of the following improvements:
- Next/Previous buttons: Allows to read continously, from one note to the next/previous one in the same level, without having to go to the nodes.
- Insert file/application: Inserts a shortcut to a file or application, so clicking in it opens the file or application.
- Bullet list button: Opens a bullet list (ul) tag. Enter creates an item (li) tag. Clicking in the button again closes the list (/ul).
- Numbered list button: Same as the former one, but with numbered lists (ol,/ol).
- Go to node: Simmilar to the current search, maybe withing it, but with the ability to search a node title instead the content and then select the node and go to it. This would be incredibly appreciated in large trees.
- Cut/copy/paste buttons: Mere shortcuts to the Android built-in functions to copy, cut and paste text.
- The ability to go to a node as soon as it is created (currently it goes to the first node instead to the last after creation).
- Numbering subnodes: After adding several subnodes to a parent node they may be numbered (adding the prefix 1., 2., 3., etc. to the subnodes titles). Clicking in the button again would delete those prefixes. Low priority, but it is useful when the user sorted many subnodes at taste and he wants to number them.
- When you export to HTML it must be UTF8 (currently, it displays wrong the accents, eñe and foreign characters). You perform this just by including a metatag in the header: meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
An important note about sorting: Sorting may be performed only on nodes of the same level or hierarchically. Application must have an option to choose among one or another type. If you can't implement both and you need to choose the first is preferred, because it gives more control to the user.
Here's another one. When you import an existent xml, it creates another tree with the same name. In the root it seems to be a duplicate and it's confuse. Why not to add an option to just replace the existent tree or to rename the new one?
Congrats for your good work.
I read through all comments for finding out whether feature that I am seriously looking at is asked for.
I wish you develop a companion software that can be installed on PC.
I would rather make my notes on PC and then sync it to my mobile device.
Would this be possible in near future ?
Many thanks and best wishes.
DV, as a desktop client, I would recommend you try BlueStacks http://bluestacks.com. This is an Android app player currently in beta testing. NoteLynX runs very well, full screen on a Windows PC. If you also install DropBox and a file browser on BlueStacks then you can transfer your projects from your Android device and back again.
Sorry, but what is the Bluestacks sd card location in Windows? Even if I use dropbox I can't figure out how to synchronize both worlds. How do you do this?
The Android SD card is not located in the windows filing system. You have to instal an android file manager within bluestacks and then navigate to it within the virtual Android environment. Either sync a file manager from your android device or instal it from google play within bluestacks.
I made an outline and then I exported it but I can't find where they are exported to. I checked the Notelynx folder and the data folder among others. I want to edit it on my computer using Bluestacks. Bluestacks apparently doesn't sync data so I'll have to move it manually to my computer.
I was also wondering if you had ever heard of ActionOutline. I found your app when I was looking for something that I could use to organize my lyrics on Android the way ActionOutline allows me to do on the PC.
metal321, exported projects are only ever sent to the NoteLynX folder. On my device /mnt/sdcard/NoteLynX.
I do not know of ActionOutline, but I'll have a look, thanks.
I reviewed ActionOutline. Interesting, but you must review TreePad. More features and cheaper. It exports/imports to many formats, and there are several add-ons in the web that enpowers it even more. There is a trial, so you can try it before to get it.
NoteLynx looks very interesting, however, I've tried it in Hebrew, Writing from right to left, the start of the text on the right side was not visible. I could slide the screen but I lost visibility of the left side. Also the bolets for new item is on the left side while the text starts from the right side.
I'm using Galaxy S2.
Is there a solution for this?
Jacob, does it help to use notelynx in landscape mode when writing in hebrew? Otherwise, all i can suggest is to keep your notes short!. If i think of a better solution, i'll let you know.
Jacob, does it help to use notelynx in landscape mode when writing in hebrew? Otherwise, all i can suggest is to keep your notes short!. If i think of a better solution, i'll let you know.
Hi Dean,
I came across Notelynx a few weeks ago and was impressed by it feature-richness. There is one thing I haven't found yet - the capability to encrypt the whole included data in a way that
1. no other nosy app is able to look into the NoteLynX data by any means whatsoever
2. it's still possible to synchronize the whole thing to Dropbox and be able to edit everything desktopside
Could that be a feature for the near future?
Thanks and best Reagrds,
Oh, and
3. no other nosy *person*, either...
Encryption is clearly a useful feature. I've got it on my todo list. Thanks for your suggestion.
Landscape does not help.
Short lines does not help too.
As it is now it can't be used in right to left writing languages
Best regards
Newby here. Quite impressed so far. Embarrassed to ask a basic question:
When i press on the first entry under a project, the menu gives me the option: New Child. so i create a child. When i press the child, the menu does NOT give me a NEW child option. I know notelynX allows multiple levels but i haven't figured out how to create a child of a child.
Also, I failed to find the answer to this in the "User Guide" (both built into the program and the User Guide for pro on your website) nor in the blog. If there is another source, please advise and i won't bother you on the blog!
Bart, you need to expand the tree node to get the option to create a child. If the node is collapsed then you have the option to create a sibling instead. The Quick Start section of the Guide gives an example of this but it's explained more fully further on:
User Guide Pro->Tree View-> Note Context Menu-> New Child, Friend, Parent-> Prepend, Insert Modes.
Ah, got it. May I suggest, to get newbies up and running without frustration, that you add to the User Guide for the free program: User Guide->TreeView->Adding Children
To create a new "child" note under and subordinate to a note(parent), first, be sure that the parent is expanded, as evidenced by a "-" minus sign in front of the arrow. If there is a number in front of the arrow (even if it is +0), first tap the number to expand the tree. Then, pressing the note will open a menu that includes "Add Child."
Astrodean, alternatively, if it is not a programming problem, why not just include Add Child in the menu for a collapsed note?
Thanks for the quick response! That is even more impressive than your program, which itself is impressive! (I'm becoming a fan)
Bart, good point... I'll change the User Guide to be clearer on this issue.
Another newbie question: The feature that attracted me to NoteLynX is the ability to link a note to more than one parent. But how? Specifically, I want to mark various notes "TopPriority," view them together under one parent, while leaving them under their respective original parents. Some outliners have a "category" feature for this purpose; others "clone" items. How do i achieve this in NoteLynx? Is this the "Friend" feature? I can't find adequate guidance how to "do" "friend" in the UserGuide Pro. Sorry.
Bart, to use the multiple parents feature: suppose you have notes 'Living Things' & 'Large Things' to be used as categories. You could create a child note 'Elephant' under 'Living Things'. To make 'Elephant' also a child of 'Large Things' you would long tap on the link-type icon for 'Elephant' and select 'Copy Link'. Then you need only paste this link as a child into 'Large Things'. To do this, expand the tree node for 'Large Things', long tap on its link-type icon and select 'Paste Child'. Now 'Elephant' has 2 parents. You can see this very clearly if you make 'Elephant' the tree view root by tapping on its link-type icon. Return to the normal tree view afterwards by using the bookmarks 'Home' entry. I'm going to improve the User Guide soon to better explain such matters.
Astrodean, I followed your instructions precisely. The good news is I now have "elephants" under both "living things" and "large things." Moreover, it is a clone, not a copy--ie, edited in one location, it is automatically edited in the other location.
The bad news: under "elephants" is a repeating series of sub headings. the first, "large things" i understand is pointing to the original parent location (coded with red up arrow). good. but under that is a subheading "astrodean tests" the name of my test project, and under that is living things, then elephant, than large things, then astrodean tests, then living things, etc etc etc.
Got some kind of loop in there that makes the cloning impractical. Have you seen this before?
Bart, what you describe is quite normal. eg astrodean tests-> living things-> elephants-> ^large things. This last one is the alternative parent of elephants. This is like a link back up the tree hierarchy - a loop, if you like. So it becomes recursive and can expand for ever! The rule is, don't drill down more than you need to access useful tree nodes.
Is it possible to make en export to some open outline xml standard like OPML?
VP, not yet, but I do intend to make NoteLynX OPML compatible in some future update.
It would be great, I have a lot of lists made with carbonfin outliner web and iphone versions, now I'm on android an I can't find any replacement. NoteLynx is the most near app I want, opml-import/export could solve the problem with sync and backup.
Another vote for OPML import/export. I have a very large database in OmniFocus on iPad, which I would like to import into NoteLynx and reorganize with multiple parents. Happy to pay for OPML support as an add-on feature to Pro. Thanks for this innovative app.
Thank you! This is exactly what I needed to stay productive during my daily commute.
I am a happy buyer of this app, too.
Anyway, I also wish to be capable to edit nodes under windows with 3rd party apps. I could work with XSLT transformations on the exported xml or with javascript, anyway much simpler would be having not just one xml file but a network of xml (or eventually html) files.
The more, exported html does not include web links among parents/children within the same page (so it's not 'clickable').
Basicly Notelynx outlines are networks, so why not just reproduce this network as sort of local website, with 'parent' pages pointing to 'children' pages and vice-versa? This would make much easier editing under windows with other xml editors...
I mean, I would like to continue using this app to organize structure of nodes, each pointing to a xml file with basic content, then use other (more specific) apps to edit xml nodes in more powerful way (in my case, formulas for scientific documentation).
I'ld appreciate it very much!
I am really liking the free version of this app, and will upgrade to pro, if you fix one very annoying feature:
When I press an arrow to set it as tree view root, it ALWAYS asks: "Set as Tree View Root?"
Yes, that's what I wanted to do, or I wouldn't have pressed the arrow!
This little nag screen adds many extra, unnecessary keystrokes.
Why not include the option to disable it so that those of us who know what we're doing can get on with using the app?
This is the best app I found for keeping track of tasks, events, categories of tasks/events and all the correlation between them (parent/child/friend). So, I got the pro version right away.
My feedback is that it would be very useful to have a date field for each note and a sync function with Google Calendar. Are you planning to add such a feature ?
Thanks for the good work.
I just intalled the pro version, it is pretty close to what I was looking for.
I have suggestion:
Would it be possible to have a date field on notes?
I use the app to keep track of various stuff on projects, it would be cool to associate optionally a timestamp to those note and order childs of a project by reverse date, for instance.
Keep up the good work. I will recommand this app to my co workers.
I have also an other suggestion.
Maybe it is something I have not yet understood.
Would it be possible to mark some notes as TODO or TASK ? This way, they would stand out and you could list them to see what's left to do on a project.
Would it be possible to display them for instance with a different color and a checkbox?
Love lots of things about your product, but REALLY need search WITHIN notes... does not help much to simply know what note(s) a string occurs in, needs to be a search function (search and REPLACE would be lovely in edit mode) to highlight/move between occurrences.
Surely this functionality is widely documented for HTML pages? Seems to be available in all browsers...?
Thank you,
Mark C.
So far, this looks like a very useful app (I'm still learning how to use it effectively).
Feature requests:
I have a Galaxy Note 2. It will be very useful if you add support for the Samsung multi-window feature.
Since I can't move and run apps on the external SD card, it would be nice if apps like NoteLynx added the ability to store its files on the external SD card.
It would be great if I could rearrange the outline by dragging and dropping tree elements.
So far, this looks like a very useful app (I'm still learning how to use it effectively).
Feature requests:
I have a Galaxy Note 2. It will be very useful if you add support for the Samsung multi-window feature.
Since I can't move and run apps on the external SD card, it would be nice if apps like NoteLynx added the ability to store its files on the external SD card.
It would be great if I could rearrange the outline by dragging and dropping tree elements.
Feature requests:
Widget - linking to a particular list
Filter of done items - not deleting them, just hiding them
Samsung multi window support
Any of these in the pipeline?
Great app by the way!
This looks like a great app. A solution to a search for a replacement for a Palm App from Hands High Software - ThoughtManager and then Splashnotes. These were fantastic outline apps that the developer left as they choose NOT to port to android.
NoteLynX now seems to be VERY capable replacement. I believe my long search is over. I have tried MindMapping apps and enjoy the ability to 'arrange' my info. I but I am finding that Outlining my info may be the better solution.
My feature request would be to search at the list of outline level. The very top level as I don't know which outline my info is in. The ability to search outlines is fantastic but I currently need to go into each outline and execute a search.
Looking for the ability to search all outlines at once.
Keep up the great work!
Hi, very nice program. i miss a desktop app which can sync with the NoteLynX.
At the moment I know 2 pc apps which work with the similar tree structure: TheBrain (thebrain.com) and Leo (leoeditor.com). I chose TheBrain and i've written two perl scripts, which convert TheBrain BrainXML exchange file to the NoteLynX exchange xml and vice versa. They are packed with all perl stuff to be executed.
brain2nl (http://dox.bg/files/dw?a=154333e4c9)
nl2brain (http://dox.bg/files/dw?a=c5d8d54e6e)
Use -help option to see a brief info how to use them.
about HTML editing features, I would like to use mathjax for writing equations.
This would require calling remote or local dlls from a 'script' in the page. Anyway, instead of repeating the same script in every page, I would like a template for editing 'head' tags, just as for CSS.
So I could add my javascript in the template and recall the template for every note.
Thanks and regards,
Netsaver (Rome, Italy)
Kepy, thanks! Your suggestion is now on my list of feature requests.
Developer is very conscientious about fixing problems and this app just keeps getting better and better!
I am unable to find how to delete a note, how to promote or demote a note. Can you please guide?
Pari MP, to delete a note, long tap the note and select Delete from the popup menu. To promote or demote, use the Move command as described in the User Guide. You could email me for further help.
Hi, I have feature suggestion - customisable links:
First: 3 basic types - hierarchical, non-hierarchical, Wikilinks. You have all of hese but I would here suggest a feature that parses the note for wikilinks and can show these in tree or mindmap view. Removing a wikilinknfrom text should removebits counterpart in the hierarchical views.
Second: User can create subtypes, e.g. genealogical hierarchy, whole/part hierarchy, decision hierarchy, sources hierarchy, similar - link, see-also link. These would ideally have customisable icons, I would also suggest they are defined similarly to categories, so that one can write notes on what a particular link type stands for.
Every type of link also can have their fratures set/edited. I would suggest following fratures:
Hierarchical link:
- Show parent/child/both/none: An example would be wikilinks: You would not routinely want all notes linking to a particular note listed, so you can hide "parents". If you do not want to show wikilinks in tree/mmap at all, you can also hide "children".
- Single/multiple inheritance: Some hierarchies are strict and a user may want to have this enforced. There are features which a single inheritance hierarchy can do, e.g. show a hierarchical "path" in a single string. This feature could be enabled conditionally.
Wikilink would be a type of hierarchical link with the difference that it is created automatically by parsing the note. For obvious reasons, this type would not show parents by default.
Non-hierarchical link
- Show/hide - not much else to toggle here.
With such customised links I could make much more complex hierarchies much easier to manage, navigate, view and understand.
For example I can be part of genealogical hierarchy which is my family. I can be part of a professional hierarchy. I can be part of a biological hierarchy. I can be part of a geographical hierarchy (address, city, state, continent…). If I can tag these hierarchies as different, then I can selectively view these or hide what is currently irrelevant. For complex hierarchies, being able to hide the irrelevant is critical.
As with wikilinks some types of directional links may sometimes want to have only the parents or only the children shown when navigating.
Also it would be nice to be able to explain the context of a link in the note AND have the app AUTOMATICALY show it in a hierarchy. This is what the automatically parsed wikilinks would achieve. Here some type of tag could specify if a particular link belongs to a particular subtype.
Finally, these features in principle allow multiple (different) links to exist between two nodes. I would suggest these to collapse by default into a single link with multiple icons preceding it. Besides limiting clutter such multilinks could have additional uses. For example, if I see collapsed next to each other the icons [parent/child][wikilink] I can immediately see that the note contains text referring to its parent or child.
Medved Hnedy, thank you for your interesting suggestions which are most appreciated.
13 August 2015 at 13:06 Delete
After putting a node under multiple parents, I'd like to remove it from one of those parents. But how? Is there a different way to do it in free and pro version?
Thanks in advance for your answer!
In the User Guide, FAQ, see "How can I modify a Category Label?". Category labels only appear for notes with multiple patents, so that will help with your question.
I've been using this app for years now! It's power is limited only by the brain power of the user...and few limitations :-D
At this moment I think I'm still learning, yet have couple of ideas to make it even more powerful.
First of, I'm missing an option to link to a external file. At present, we have option of an email address, url link, photo (image) or phone number.
It would be of great benefit to have an option to include "file specification" (full path+name+extension), like for linking to an image for example.
Additionally, an option to specify in the settings, what external app the user would like to open files(documents) with particular extension.
That way, I could have txt, pdf, doc, xls....and many others to be opened by dedicated apps. Even the image file!
Another idea/question is on the programming side - how do I access/pass information/data between nodes? I'm mostly interested in summarizing info within sub branches of a tree,
For example, if a node (and it's siblings) have some numerical figures, I could calculate sum in the parent node.
Or, for nodes with links to files/urls/emails/images...whatever, I could have a combined list of all (or some) in the parent node?
What I'm looking for is a way of addressing nodes, and then retrieving relevant info from particular node/s.
Maybe passing the values by "variables"? Having "local" variables valid withing a tree, and "global" variables active everywhere within NoteLynx?
Anyway, just an idea I would LOVE to play with.
In the meantime, I do LOVE this app, and dream to see it run natively in Windows environment.
Thank you for the great toy/tool you have given us :Dare2C
Dare2C, thanks for your comments! Hopefully, you have noticed that two of your suggestions have now been implemented... App Links and Doc Links in the most recent update. Your suggestion for information passing is also of interest to me and I have added it to my list of todos.
First of all - MANY thanks for your hard work over all those years! Very much appreciated!
Hope you enjoy long life, or at least live longer then me...in case I have more constructive ideas :D
As I'm getting older, I relay more and more on your great app. Soon my life might depend on it ;-)
So far it has been very helpful in organizing my life, but, as I relay more and more on it, I find it to be time consuming, sometimes.
I guess, nothing is for free, we only get out what we put in? And here is my problem - putting all the stuff in!
One way that I use NoteLynx, is to keep record of my daily activities. And as an example I will use a lunch I have shared with a (pretty) friend.
I will enter "Lunch" as a subnode within "Date" tree (calendar date, in this case). But instead of writing all the details in the body of that note, I do "attach" it to nodes within other "trees", describing locations, people, activities, finances...etc.
So, after creating initial entry, I copy it. Then I have to minimize the "Date" tree, select "People" tree, drill down to find person/s of interest and paste the "Lunch" entry.
Then, I have to repeat it for the "Location", "Expenses", "Activities" (like date with girlfriend),...and maybe more. And with limitations of Android devices (=small
screen, finger operation) it gets painful, not only on my eyes ;-)
Well, this may be not the best example, but I hope you do get the idea that with extensive tree structure, it may take time to properly categorize each "event".
Here comes my suggestion, that would help in situations where one note has to be attached to many nodes all over the project.
It would help to have a special line (within the body of that note), like a link to an url, or pic, or phone, that would list all the nodes I wish this note to be attached to.
Say, . Assuming that there are NO duplicate node names within the project, or if there are - each of them would get affected?
Also if listed node does not exist - it would be ignored. However, it would be nice to be notified about that...maybe?
Or maybe, an option in the "menu" would allow to enter one (or multiple) node name/s to attach this note to, without copy/paste and subsequent searching for it?
Just hope I will remember all the nodes to type in that list. Still, one can always do it the copy/paste way.
Hope it sounds logical, and maybe will be of benefit to more people, not just me!
Another "request" I have is bit different, but still relates to "data entry".
When using your app to organize my file collection, I would like to "import" all that info into NoteLynx native format, as a new project.
What I would like to do, is to manipulate the information on a pc with a program, then format it and save in the final form (including multiple parents) so I don't have to do it manually after importing to NoteLynx.
To achieve it, I would need to know the structure of your project data files (XML). Is that information available anywhere?
I have done something like that, creating OPML file then importing it, but still had to do manual assignment for multiple parents. Pain in the... eyes ;-)
Well, that's all for now. Wishing you Happy Festive Season, and lot's of spare time...
After some thoughts, I have come to conclusion on what I would like to see to make my life easier ;-)
1 - Additional option in the tree context menu, that would allow me to type one (or more, comma separated) names of nodes that referenced note is to be linked to as
a child. In other words - I would like to be able to list nodes I want to be parents of the note currently selected (or long pressed). Just sometimes it is faster to type few short words then searching for them in separate (deep) trees. After that, the "categories" shown above current note would be updated with all nodes that I have listed and were successfully linked to. Optionally, in case of multiple nodes with same name, either only the first found, or all found would be linked to. Maybe,
this option could be selected in global settings?
2 - Additional option in the project (or tree) context menu that would allow import (and export?) of text file with list of new (to be created) nodes WITH multiple parents list.
For example:
, , ,.... note body/text
In case of parent node not listed (or invalid), that new node would be an orphan.
Hope I'm not asking for to much, or....you will ask for a fee that I can afford
The example in point 2 above:
-new node name-, -parent node-, -parent node-,.... note body/text
Another idea, regarding first point:
"Edit Links" option in the tree context menu, that would allow me to (quickly) type ADDitional node names (=parents, instead of searching all over the tree for them, AS WELL as delete some of the names of parent nodes (already listed as categories above the node title) to remove current node from these nodes. In that way I could quickly disconnect current node from "parent nodes" that it was linked to before, again without searching for them! Logical...or to complicated?
Would be nice to have an example of removing one of the mutiple parents of a child.
Was able to get Docs to work, but not apps. Where is the "green android icon"?
never mind. difference between cut and delete.
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